Acupuncture in Shoreham
Acupuncture may be used to treat a wide range of common health problems and to reduce pain. For example, NICE guidelines (2009) recommend a course of 10 sessions of Acupuncture for persistent, non-specific low back pain. In 2012 NICE recognised Acupuncture\’s benefits for migraines and tension-type headaches too.
Acupuncture is best combined with other Physiotherapy Treatments such as exercise, manual therapy and relaxation techniques, along with the Pilates that is on offer at Shoreham Physiotherapy.
It works by stimulating the body to produce endorphins and oxytocin, its own pain and stress relieving chemicals. It also stimulates nerve fibres to block out pain signals and helps to reduce the sensitivity of tender points in the body.
At Shoreham Physiotherapy we have two Physiotherapists who are Qualified to practise in Acupuncture. They all combine the pain relieving effects it has to help patients rehabilitate back to their normal lives through exercise and restoring function.
Acupuncture in Shoreham
Physiotherapy, Acupuncture and Pilates at Shoreham Physiotherapy Clinic
Tel: 01273 440350 or 07747 845744